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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Baby's First Christmas!

December 25, 2008
Andrew had a GREAT first Christmas. He loved playing with all of the paper and boxes...oh, and the toys too. He was amazed and saying "wow" all day! I'm sorry I don't have more pictures. I don't have pictures from other people yet (ah-hem, mother) and we got most of it on video. This is what I do have....


He was a little shy about ripping the paper.

A gift from Uncle Jason!



Ari feeding Andrew a pancake.

Christmas is Almost Here!

December 22, 2008
Christmas is almost here! Packages are starting to arrive and Andrew is enjoying the decorations. We have a "NOEL" banner on the door that Andrew has ripped the E and the L off of- now is says "NO." He has also pulled the tree over- which was to be expected so we only put unbreakable ornaments on it (we're smart parents).

A box arrived from Tutu. Andrew enjoys climbing and sitting on it.

Andrew- laying under the tree with his Santa doll.

Andrew playing "peek-a-boo" with me from behind the tree.

Nite-Nite Time

December 21, 2008
Andrew is getting good at telling you he is ready to go "nite-nite." Required items are his pacifier, snuggles (a cloth diaper), and a sippy cup.

With more hair, come more bed head. LOVE it!

Santa at SUMC

December 20, 2008
We went to see Santa at church. ALL of Andrew's cousins were there! It was great!

Andrew, Kyra, and Arianna.

Andrew walking around. His sweater is so cute!

Andrew checking out Santa's teddy bear.

All seven all together!

All seven with Santa!

Growing Boy

December 18, 2008
Remember when he looked so small in there?

Daddy's Santa Doll

December 17, 2008
Dean's mother found Dean's Santa doll from when he was little. This doll is over 20 years old. Andrew absolutely loves it!


Hugging Santa. How sweet!

Andrew the Musical

December 14, 2008
Andrew and Daddy came to Mommy's Christmas Concert at her school. Andrew wanted to explore his musical talent....

Later on that night, Andrew tried to get a drink from the faucet in the bathtub.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Santa's Helper Boy

December 11, 2008
Momma Anne came over last night to try to get some good pictures of Andrew in a Santa outfit. Andrew wanted nothing to do with getting his picture taken last night- which is unusual because he usually loves to have his picture taken. These are the best shots we got.

Andrew taking off with Daddy's tripod and yelling "wow"!

Andrew and the Grinch.

This is the best shot we got!

11 Months Old!

December 10, 2008
Andrew is 11 months old! He can say ma-ma, ba-ba, buh-buh, ga, gee, ooo, oh, wow, and uh-oh. However, he still refuses to say "da-da!" Andrew is walking everywhere. He is getting very good at it and very fast too! We are working on introducing more "finger foods" and some milk. He has grown so fast!

Santa Saturday

December 6, 2008
We were invited to see three different Santa's today! What a day! Andrew LOVED Santa and could not get enough "Santa time." He didn't seem scared or shy at all. Overall, it was a long day, but a fun day.
Santa at Grandma's work.
Andrew was fascinated by the jingle bells on the door.
Andrew got a hold of some jingle bells....
and gave them to Santa! It was too cute!
One the way home from Santa at Daddy's work.
Notice that his right foot has a sock and shoe on it.
Notice his left foot does not.
Silly boy!

Santa and Mrs. Claus at the REMC.

Andrew really loved this Santa!

Andrew loves sitting on Daddy's shoulders!

Our first Christmas family photo!

Baby's First Thanksgiving

November 27, 2008
Andrew enjoyed his first Thanksgiving. We spent most of the day playing at Grandma Curtis' house. Later on, Momma Anne came over for dinner and to play with Andrew. :)

His new word is "wow."
Exercising after dinner.

Happy Turkey Day!

Random Pictures

November 2008
It's been a crazy month. Andrew got pink eye, a sinus infection (which we think is what caused the pink eye), double ear infections, and croup....all at once!!! Poor baby. Here are a few random pictures of Andrew being Andrew.
It's too early for pictures, Daddy!
Andrew is happiest when he is eating!
Andrew is going to help with the laundry....
Andrew likes Pumpkin Pie!
Andrew licking the Pumpkin Pie plate.

Andrew loves playing in the picture window! Silly boy!

10 Months Old!

November 10, 2008
Andrew is 10 months old! He is walking and starting to get really good at it. Andrew is also able to quickly get into anything he wants! He is getting hard to keep up with!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Baby's First Halloween

October 31, 2008
Andrew's first Halloween was great! We dressed him up as a dinosaur and called him "Andrewsarus." Another big thing happend on Halloween... Andrew walked! He took his first "all by myself" steps and it was AWESOME! We are very proud parents.