Watch Us Grow!

Wedding Anniversary

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Monday, June 22, 2009

May 27, 2009
A cute picture of Andrew wearing Daddy's shirt and jumping on our bed.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Family Gathering

May 25, 2009
We got together for Memorial Day/ Cole's Birthday. It was a fun afternoon with family!

My nieces Kyra and Arianna.

Arianna playing with Cousin Kate.

Kate chewing on a hamburger toy. :)

Batman Cole enjoying his cool new sunglasses.

Andrew and Daddy eating some ice cream.

Cool Boy

Ya-ya gave Andrew some cool blue sunglasses. Andrew isn't quite sure what to do with them, but he likes playing with them.

This was taken early in the morning (hence we are in our pjs)
and Andrew is going through a phase where he just
really wants to put his jacket on.

This was taken later in the day just before our daily walk.
Andrew's favorite way to wear his sunglasses is around his neck.

He is a cool dude!

Mother's Day 2009

May 10, 2009
Dean and his mother Anne (Andrew's calls her Ya-ya) took Andrew on a "secret mission" a few weeks ago. On Mother's Day, I found out what they were up to. I absolutely LOVE the plate and coffee mug they made for me. Yes, it made me cry.

Sleepy Boy

May 9, 2009
Andrew sleeping on his Mommy. Too cute!


May 3, 2009
When we got back from Tutu's house there was this bag full of toy tools. We have no idea who they are from, but they are great! Andrew wears his tool belt and "fixes" everything!


April 24, 2009
We live next door my my Aunt Sue and Uncle Don- affectionately called "Goo-Gone" by Andrew. We are over at "Goo-Gon's" almost every evening. Their outside toys are more fun than ours- and Andrew usually cons them out of a few cookies.