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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Rolling Over!

Andrew rolled up on his side as usual, and then he kept going! Andrew rolled over for the first time tonight!

Almost there.....

He made it! What a big boy!

Andrew wearing Daddy's hat....he's a cowboy!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Three Months Old

Andrew is three months old! I can't believe he's grown so much! He is almost sleeping all night now- thank goodness!
Isn't he cute in flannel?

The Hungry Caterpillar is his favorite book.

He can almost roll over!

My big boy at three months.

Fun at Tutu's House

We took Andrew to Roanoke, VA to visit Tutu (his great-grandmother). He got to meet Dean's side of the family for the first time. We all had a good, relaxing get-away.

Sweet boy!

Hanging out with cousin William.

Baby's First Easter

Andrew must have been a very good boy to get two Easter baskets! One was filled with books and toys, the other with candy (for Mommy and Daddy).
Andrew and Daddy checking out "the loot."
Is he winking?!?

He got the bunny from Momma Anne. It says, "Baby's First Easter."

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Fort Knox

My brother Jason graduated from Army Basic Combat Training in Fort Knox, KY on March 19, which also happened to be his 21st Birthday. I made Andrew a onesie that says, "Happy Birthday Uncle Jason" on the front, and "Hooah" on the back. Jason got a kick out of it. sweet.

Jason requested that Dean bring him a can of " Halo Game Fuel."

Andrew was a little unhappy, but its still a good picture.