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Friday, May 30, 2008

Four Months Old

Andrew turned four months old on May 10. We went that day to have our first family portrait taken. Andrew officially weighs 19 pounds and is 27 inches long!
What a happy baby!

This one is my favorite!

Another cute picture!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Catching Up

It's been a month since I've posted anything. I went back to work and things have been crazy! Here are a few pictures from the past month. Enjoy!

Sleeping with Daddy.... ahhhhh.

Matching buddies!

Look, Mom! No hands!

He loves his puppy dog!

Sleepy boy!

Baby's First Kentucky Derby

Andrew went to his first Kentucky Derby party at Cousin Amy's house. Amy made name tags for all of the kids. Andrew was "Smooth Andrew Air". Andrew turned out to be a good luck charm because we drew Big Brown from the pool and won!

Talking with Cousin Lucas.

Cousin Lucas checking out Andrew's cool hat!

All the kids loved playing on the air bounce......

even the big kids!

(Love you, Mom!)