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Wedding Anniversary

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Friday, July 25, 2008

Our 5th Wedding Anniversary

This is "our song." It's the first song we ever danced to.

I Cross My Heart
George Strait

Our love is unconditional
We knew it from the start
I can see it in your eyes
You can feel it from my heart
from here on after
Lets stay the way we are right now
And share all the love and laughter
That a lifetime will allow

You will always be the miracle
That makes my life complete
And as long as theres still breath in me
I'll make yours just as sweet
As we look into the future
Its as far as we can see
So lets make each tomorrow
Be the best that it can be

I cross my heart
And promise to
Give all Ive got to give
To make all your dreams come true
In all the world
Youll never find
A love as true as mine

And if along the way we find a day
It starts to storm
Youve got the promise of my love
To keep you warm

In all the world
Youll never find
A love as true as mine
A love as true as mine

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Andrew Goes Swimming!

July 22, 2008
Andrew went swimming for the first time today. He loved splashing in the water!

A Trip to Tutu's House

July 12- 19, 2008
We went to Virginia to visit Tutu (Andrew's Great Grandmother on Daddy's side). We had a good time playing and exploring a different house.
This is the best shot I have of his bottom teeth.

Playing on Daddy.

Tutu used to wear a wig back in the day.

We found it and put it on Andrew. Doesn't he look fabulous!

Holding His Own Bottle

July 11, 2008
Andrew decided to feed himself this moring. He was laying on the floor and playing. I handed him his bottle just to see what he would do. Much to our surprise, he stuck it in his mouth and drank it up!

Six Months Old

July 10, 2008
Andrew is six months old today! He weighed in at 20 pounds, 13 ounces and measures 28 inches long! He did get his shots today, but all in all he is well. Andrew now has two teeth on the bottom and his doctor said that his top gum is swollen so here come the top teeth soon. He can sit up on his own, and "rocks" on all fours- he'll be crawling soon. He can "belly crawl" and roll anywhere he wants to go. He loves to babble, squeal, and make noises with his mouth.

Andrew is sitting in our new suitcase.
We're getting ready to go on a trip to Tutu's house.

Sick Baby

July 7, 2008
Andrew cried about every hour and a half last night and ran a high fever despite the Tylenol. So we took Andrew to the doctor today. Turns out he has a virus and "blisters" in his throat. Mortin, fluids, and rest. He goes back on Thursday for his shots (if he is better).

July 9, 2008
Andrew is almost all better. He only threw up twice today. Since his fever is gone, the doctor wants to go ahead and give him his shots tomorrow. Poor baby.

Andrew Goes to the Airport!

July 6, 2008
We took Uncle Jason to the airport and sent him back to Fort Sill. Daddy tried to get Andrew to look at the planes. Later on that day, Andrew started getting a pretty high fever and was very cranky.

Feverish baby. Poor thing.

Baby's First Fourth of July

July 5, 2008
We held our July 4th party at Grandma Curtis' house on July 5. It was a lot of food, family, and fun! Andrew's second bottom tooth popped out that day as well!
Andrew and Aunt Sue

Andrew loves all the attention!

Cole "holding" Kyra.

Daddy fed Andrew carrots. Yummy!

The kids played with the Sprinkler Ball.

Happy Birthday Mommy!

July 2, 2008


Welcome Home Uncle Jason!

June 30, 2008
Uncle Jason come home from his station in Fort Sill, OK for a July 4th visit! We were so excited to see him!

"Helping" Mommy with Coupons

June 29, 2008
You cannot turn your back for two seconds! He was playing on the floor while I was clipping coupons. I got up to answer the phone and when I turned around, there was Andrew having a ball with all the paper!
