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Friday, August 29, 2008

Old Toys, New Tricks

August 28, 2008
Andrew has not really been a big fan of being in his exersaucer lately. Yesterday, he discovered a new use for his exersaucer.

Beaver in the Backyard

August 23, 2008
Dean, one of the smartest people I know, rushed in all excited to tell me that there is a "beaver" in the backyard. He made me dash to the window to see it explaining to me that he thinks its living underneath his old shed. I looked at it, noticing that this "beaver" is missing its big front teeth and asked, "Don't beavers live in water?" That's when it dawned on Dean that the "beaver" is actually a groundhog.

Super Supper Mess

August 15, 2008
This was a sweet potato supper that made a super mess!

Watching Elmo

August 14, 2008
Andrew loves watching Elmo's World on Sesame Street! He always squeals, laughs, and talks to Elmo when he comes on. I actually record Elmo's World for Andrew so he doesn't miss it. I know, he's spoiled.

If you look, you can see that he has his Elmo doll in front of him.

7 Months Old!

August 10, 2008
Andrew is 7 months old now. He is crawling and pulling up on everthing. He loves to play patty cake and peek-a-boo. He is teething again, this time the top teeth are coming in! Andrew chews on everything from toys to telephones, remote controls, furniture, you name it- he'll chew it! He has also discovered the front picture window and loves to stand and look outside. We are working on waving "bye, bye."

"It's bath time!"

Standing Up

August 6, 2008
Andrew has learned how to pull up on furniture! Here are a few pictures of Andrew on his feet!

Look Mom! I'm a big boy!

The remote control is now and forever Andrew's.

Good morning!

This is how I find Andrew in the morning now.

Aren't his shark pj's cute!

Waiting for Daddy to come home.

Bathtime Fun!

August 3, 2008
Andrew loves bath time! We undress him in the living room and say "It's bath time!" Andrew immediately rolls over and crawls as fast as he can to the bathroom. It is so cute watching his naked butt wiggle and he scampers down the hall!

Andrew Loves His Sippy Cup

July 30, 2008
Andrew crawls over and gets a drink from his Sippy Cup whenever he wants. He is so smart! Please ignore the mess in the backgroud. It's Andrew's "work."

ATV Andrew

July 27, 2008
Andrew is still too little to actually ride a four wheeler, but he loves sitting up there with Daddy!