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Friday, September 19, 2008

Bed Head

September 19, 2008
Andrew woke up today with quite a hair-do.

8 Month Portraits

September 17, 2008
Momma Anne and I took Andrew to Sears to have his 8 Month old portraits taken. Andew did such a good job! He loves having his picture taken!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hurricane Ike, Part Two

September 14, 2008
Here are some more pictures of the aftermath of Hurricane Ike in Sellersburg.

Uprooted tree.

Dean and our neighbor, David, moving a tree limb that fell in the road.

Hurricane Ike, Part One

September 14, 2008
The winds from Hurricane Ike hit Sellersburg. For hours, the winds blew hard- up to 75 mph. The next several days were a challenge- we were without electricity and water. Thankfully, our home did not sustain any damage. These posts show just a little bit of the aftermath of Hurricane Ike in Sellersburg.

Directly across the street from us.

At the corner of W. Utica and Dreyer.

Ivy Tech in Sellersburg.

This utility pole snapped and it upper half is hanging in the tree.

Andrew's First Graham Cracker

September 12, 2008
Andrew ate his first Graham Cracker. He got more on him than in him! Andrew was able to feed himself the Graham Cracker, but I had to watch because he kept trying to shove it all in his mouth at once. Andrew loved making a was straight to the bath tub after this!

Eagle Scout Ceremony

September 7, 2008
We went to a Troop 10 Eagle Scout Court of Honor (Dean is a Troop 10 Eagle Scout and was the Scoutmaster of Troop 10 until recently). Andrew enjoyed chewing on Daddy's Eagle Scout medal.

P.S. Congratulations Eagle Scout Aaron McKnight!

Being a Boy

September 4, 2008
A day in the life of Andrew. Enjoy!
Getting into kitchen drawers.

This is his "I'm rotten" face! He is such a ham!

Showing off his bottom teeth for the camera.

Talking to Daddy on the phone.

Giving Mommy "kisses."

Rubber Duckie

September 4, 2008
Andrew's new favorite toy is his rubber duckie. He carries it around in his mouth and chews on it, making it squeak- which makes him giggle. He also crawls with it in his hand, which makes it squeak, which also makes him giggle. All I hear is "squeak, giggle, giggle....squeak, giggle, giggle."