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Thursday, October 16, 2008

9 Month Check-Up

October 16, 2008
Andrew is "perfect" according to his doctor. He "officially" weighs 23 pounds and 8 ounces and is 29.5 inches long (both height and weight are in the 90th percentile). His head is off the charts- measuring at 19 inches. He got three shots this time, but the nurse was fast and Andrew cried for a minute, then he was fine.

Andrew might be a judge....

....or a computer guy. We'll see.

Before we left this morning, Andrew discovered a new way to wear a shirt.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Toy Basket

October 14, 2008
Instead of dragging toys out of the toy basket like he usually does, Andrew decided to get in the basket with them! Silly boy!

Andrew did this all by himself and he is proud of it!

Playing with Cousins

October 11, 2008
Cousins Arianna and Kyra came over for a visit. Everyone always has a good time when we get together- especially the little ones.

Kyra, Arianna, and Andrew looking out my front picture window.

Everyone is doing something different at this point!

Arianna and Andrew giving each other kisses! CUTE!

Andrew wrestling defenseless Kyra. Poor girl.

9 Months Old!

October 10, 2008
Andrew turned nine months old today. He has eight teeth, weighs about 24 pounds, crawls, climbs, and is saying "ga-ga." I'm not sure how tall he is- I can't get him to stay still long enought to get a measurement! He has a check-up next week. I'll let you know then. He did have his first ear infection at the beginning of the month- that was not very fun.

Watching the UofL game in the "man-cave" with Daddy and Lee!

Go Cards!

Hanging Out

September 26, 2008
Here are some pictures of Andrew hanging out with Mommy and Daddy!

Reading Quad Magazine with Daddy.

"Helping" Mommy with her pizza!

First Major Tongue Bite

September 23, 2008
Andrew fell and bit his tongue really well. It bled for what seemed like forever! I had to call Momma Anne over to help me hold him over the sink and hold a cold, wet washcloth on his tongue. The whole time Andrew was bitting my finger and crying. Poor baby, I know it hurt. We finally got him to take some Mortin, the bleeding stopped, and everyone changed into clean, dry clothes. Andrew was tuckered out.

Momma Anne rubbed his back until he fell asleep on the couch.

This is the next day. Ouch!