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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cheesy Grin

March 11, 2009
Andrew has 12 teeth now. We tried to get a picture, but this is the best we got.

What a ham!

Going to the Park

March 10, 2009
We took advantage of the nice weather and took Andrew to the park up the street. Andrew loved the slide!

Not a very flattering picture of me, but a great one of Andrew!

Playing and Sleeping

March 8, 2009
Have I mentioned that Andrew loves being outside. Besides the occasional attempts to eat the grass, Andrew just loves to run, play, and be outside.

Andrew is wearing a dinosaur sweatshirt
that Anne made for Dean in the second grade.

March 9, 2009
This is a cute picture of Andrew sleeping on the couch. This doesn't happen very often.

Spaghetti Supper

March 6, 2009
Andrew will eat just about anything you put in front of him, but the recent favorite food is spaghetti. We only eat spaghetti on bath night for obvious reasons.

...and straight into the bathtub.

Weekend Mornings

March 1, 2009
Andrew used to let us sleep in a little bit, now we have to take turns getting up with Andrew on the weekends. Andrew wakes up ready to play- whether we are ready or not!

I love his static hair in this picture!

Andrew loves reading books!

Valentine's Day

February 14, 2009
Andrew got his first sucker for Valentine's Day. It was a sticky mess, but he loved it!

Outside with Daddy

February 8, 2009
Andrew has discovered his love for the outdoors. Everyday when Daddy gets home, Andrew brings his shoes, hat, and coat to Daddy (rain or shine) and points to the door. Andrew especially loves his swing in the backyard.

Super Bowl

February 1, 2009
Daddy and Andrew were super excited about the Steelers going to and winning the Super Bowl. It was a fun night for all. Go Steelers!

Andrew kept turning the T.V. off!

Future Steelers Quarterback!

Daddy and Andrew in their jerseys.

This is the fifth attempt to get a good group photo.
You take what you can get.