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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Chipped Teeth

April 18, 2009
Andrew chipped his teeth at daycare Friday! The frustrating part is that they didn't even know it. We discovered it Friday night- too late to see a dentist. We called several places this morning and finally found a dentist willing to check out Andrew's teeth (this is Thunder Over Louisville Saturday). The dentist said Andrew fell so hard on his teeth that he chipped the two front teeth and impacted them back up into his gums. Only time will tell if the teeth are damaged enough to change colors or even fall out- even worse is we have to wait and see if he damaged his permanent tooth buds. Not a fun weekend!

**Update: June 4, 2009- Andrew's teeth are fine. The dentist said that his teeth don't appear to be permanently damaged. His ligaments are growing back, his teeth fell back into place, and everything looks fine. Thank goodness!

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