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Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Big Day!

Here are some pictures from the hospital! Enjoy!

The Big Day!
Everyone was there and excited to meet little Andrew, but Andrew didn't want to come out! After about 12 hours of labor, we decided the do a c-section. He is a BIG boy weighing in at 9 pounds, 10 ounces and 22 inches long. We are so happy he is finally here!

Daddy's Bunny suit!

The Grandmas!

Going Home!

This is Andrew getting ready to go home. Daddy dressed him in a Steelers outfit that Momma Anne gave him. Then he put a sweater on Andrew that Tutu made for when Daddy came home from the hospital.

Tutu's sweater she made
for Daddy to go home in.

I'm ready to go!

1 comment:

Ginny said...

Great job on the blog. I love it! Andrew is a doll, can't wait to see him again!