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Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Last Thursday, June 19, Andrew was gnawing on my hand (which is unusual because he usually prefers his own hands) and I felt two little bumps on his bottom gum! I thought "uh-oh". The next day the bumps were bigger. It's official folks, Andrew is getting teeth! I think (and hope) they will break through soon because he is cranky.

Monday, June 16, 2008

First "Da-Da" Day!

Yesterday was Dean's first Fathers' Day. Andrew celebrated by sleeping in! Da-da and Momma appreciated that gift!

After breakfast, Andrew took a nap with Da-da. I love that little arm wrapped around Dean's neck- isn't that cute!

Da-da playing with Andrew. Andrew's outfit says "Daddy's Little Helper" on it. It was a gift from Tutu!

After trying to get Andrew to cooperate for several shots, this is the best one we got!

5 Months Old!

On June 10, Andrew turned 5 months old! He can roll to anywhere he wants to go. He can get up on his elbows and knees and occasionally on his hand and knees.

He mostly "swims" on his belly! I just know he's going to figure it out and be crawling by the end of the summer.

He is still drooling a lot and chewing on everything. His favorite things to chew on are his hands- I keep telling him he's going to chew his fingers off if he keeps it up. He just smiles.

He laughs and giggles now is the sweetest little laugh!

When I figure out how, I will post a video of him in his little exercise saucer. He gets wild in that thing!
As you can tell from the pictures, Andrew loves the camera!

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Joys of Motherhood

I've been up since the butt crack of dawn. So far today (and its only 8:30am) I've been peed on, spit up on (in my hair- yuck!), drooled all over, and stuck my finger in poop. Not to mention all the joys that come with nursing a baby...if you've been there, you know what I mean. Its not that I don't love being a mommy- I just don't love all of the grossness that comes with it. The lack of sleep really doesn't bother me anymore. The backaches that come with a 20 pound 5 month old are to be expected- Tylenol takes care of that.

All of these things are outweighed by my baby's HUGE smile when he sees me after waking up, the way he coos and "talks" to me, his cute little giggle, and his fat little belly (gawd I love that little pudgey belly)! He is even cute when he starts to cry and sticks his pouty lip waaay out to let me know he is not happy that I am amused by his obvious distress. I also love how he's figured out how to roll to where he wants to be, especially when he rolls over to me for some cuddles and snuggles. He has got to be the sweetest little boy ever! My favorite part is when he falls asleep on me without a care in the world. Ah, to feel so safe and secure, and loved unconditionally- what a life! If he could just stay little....

I thank God every day for blessing me with a great husband and for giving us such a beautiful, sweet, precious baby boy. I love being a mommy- its the most amazing thing to go from a couple to a family.