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Monday, June 16, 2008

5 Months Old!

On June 10, Andrew turned 5 months old! He can roll to anywhere he wants to go. He can get up on his elbows and knees and occasionally on his hand and knees.

He mostly "swims" on his belly! I just know he's going to figure it out and be crawling by the end of the summer.

He is still drooling a lot and chewing on everything. His favorite things to chew on are his hands- I keep telling him he's going to chew his fingers off if he keeps it up. He just smiles.

He laughs and giggles now is the sweetest little laugh!

When I figure out how, I will post a video of him in his little exercise saucer. He gets wild in that thing!
As you can tell from the pictures, Andrew loves the camera!

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