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Wedding Anniversary

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Monday, June 22, 2009

May 27, 2009
A cute picture of Andrew wearing Daddy's shirt and jumping on our bed.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Family Gathering

May 25, 2009
We got together for Memorial Day/ Cole's Birthday. It was a fun afternoon with family!

My nieces Kyra and Arianna.

Arianna playing with Cousin Kate.

Kate chewing on a hamburger toy. :)

Batman Cole enjoying his cool new sunglasses.

Andrew and Daddy eating some ice cream.

Cool Boy

Ya-ya gave Andrew some cool blue sunglasses. Andrew isn't quite sure what to do with them, but he likes playing with them.

This was taken early in the morning (hence we are in our pjs)
and Andrew is going through a phase where he just
really wants to put his jacket on.

This was taken later in the day just before our daily walk.
Andrew's favorite way to wear his sunglasses is around his neck.

He is a cool dude!

Mother's Day 2009

May 10, 2009
Dean and his mother Anne (Andrew's calls her Ya-ya) took Andrew on a "secret mission" a few weeks ago. On Mother's Day, I found out what they were up to. I absolutely LOVE the plate and coffee mug they made for me. Yes, it made me cry.

Sleepy Boy

May 9, 2009
Andrew sleeping on his Mommy. Too cute!


May 3, 2009
When we got back from Tutu's house there was this bag full of toy tools. We have no idea who they are from, but they are great! Andrew wears his tool belt and "fixes" everything!


April 24, 2009
We live next door my my Aunt Sue and Uncle Don- affectionately called "Goo-Gone" by Andrew. We are over at "Goo-Gon's" almost every evening. Their outside toys are more fun than ours- and Andrew usually cons them out of a few cookies.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Chipped Teeth

April 18, 2009
Andrew chipped his teeth at daycare Friday! The frustrating part is that they didn't even know it. We discovered it Friday night- too late to see a dentist. We called several places this morning and finally found a dentist willing to check out Andrew's teeth (this is Thunder Over Louisville Saturday). The dentist said Andrew fell so hard on his teeth that he chipped the two front teeth and impacted them back up into his gums. Only time will tell if the teeth are damaged enough to change colors or even fall out- even worse is we have to wait and see if he damaged his permanent tooth buds. Not a fun weekend!

**Update: June 4, 2009- Andrew's teeth are fine. The dentist said that his teeth don't appear to be permanently damaged. His ligaments are growing back, his teeth fell back into place, and everything looks fine. Thank goodness!

Flips and Phones

April 15, 2009
Andrew got his first cellphone from Tutu! He absolutely loved it! Later on, "Ya-ya" (Dean's mother) came over for her birthday dinner. She tried to teach him to flip.

Talking on his cellphone.

This is as far as he got on his flips. Ha ha ha!

Happy Easter!

April 12, 2009
Andrew had a great second Easter! He went on his very first Easter Egg hunt. We practiced Easter Egg hunting in the living room for about a week. Out of 50 plastic eggs, we have about 20 whole ones left! Andrew is GREAT at hiding Easter Eggs! Ha ha ha!

Andrew was excited about his Elmo Easter basket!

He wanted more chocolate.

Family Easter picture!

Andrew loved his first Easter Egg hunt in the front yard!

This is what is left of a blue bunny cake.
I wish I had a before picture.


April 6, 2009
Andrew was just unhappy this morning. Boy he has a set of lungs on him!

Reading and More Hiding Places

March 29, 2009
Andrew finds a new hiding place to explore every day. Yesterday the dryer, today the cabinet. Silly boy!

A cute picture of Andrew reading with Daddy.

Laundry Helper

March 28, 2009
Andrew discovered a new hiding place... the dryer.

Fun with Cousins!

March 27, 2009
Andrew's cousins Arianna and Kyra came over to play for a little bit. They had fun in Andrew's crib!

Fun at Tutu's House

March 21- 25, 2009
We went to Tutu's house in Virginia for Spring Break. Andrew had a great time playing outside and exploring Tutu's house. It's a hard drive, but well worth it in the end.

Dr. Andrew

March 18, 2009
Andrew wasn't feeling well so we took his temperature. Then Andrew decided that Mommy needed her temperature taken too!