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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Andrew's First Birthday

January 10, 2009
Andrew had a great 1st Birthday. Lots of family and friends came to help Andrew celebrate. His cousins, Arianna and Kyra, helped Andrew open and play with his presents. Arianna helped Andrew eat his cake, too! Andrew was a little confused by all of the people and commotion, but he handled it well and had a great time!

I made Andrew's birthday cakes.
I made a littlecake with a "1" on it for Andrew.
I made a sheet cake andand an Elmo cake out of cupcakes.
I am particularly proud of my Elmo cake.

Andrew opening presents.

Cousin Cole helping Andrew open presents.

The car was a hit!
Kyra and Arianna are" helping" Andrew with his car.

Thank you for my first car!

Andrew loves cake!

Happy 1st Birthday, Andrew!

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