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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow Day!

January 27, 2009
Mommy got a two hour delay yesterday and a snow day today! That is why I am updating the blog (finally)! Andrew found the Clifford slippers we forgot about in his closet this morning. I was looking for his "snow gear" so we could take him out in the snow. Andrew immediately fell in love with is Clifford slippers. The snow, he did not love so much. He just fell over and laid there until one of us picked him up- kind of like that little kid from A Christmas Story. We didn't stay out long (it's really cold out there) and the snow was too dry to make a snowman. We tried to make a snow angel with him, but he didn't like it. Oh well, maybe next time.

"Clifford on my feet!"

Cheesing for the camera... silly boy!

Daddy trying to get Andrew into his overalls.

Andrew didn't like the snow too much.

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